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posted by: Vincent Branch on 3/5/2023

Prayer for a home, debt free car, wife . Prayer against poverty, sickness and disease. Prayer for spiritual intervention. Amen.
I will pray 13 people are praying.
posted by: DOLLY hearns on 2/25/2023

Church please pray so our electricity come back michigan many crew men standing around my R side hurting ,nose running coughing not able sleep thanks am 77yrs
I will pray 10 people are praying.
Jason & His Family's Salvation
posted by: a g on 3/21/2022

Please, pray for Jason and his family's salvation that they find contentment and love in Jesus. Jason doesn't believe God exists nor that belief in Jesus is needed. Also, pray for me to follow God's direction. Thank you!
I will pray 11 people are praying.
desparately need miracle
posted by: Gloria on 3/19/2021

I am need of a miracle. I have an unspoken request. Please pray that God will give me a miracle. I am in such despair that I just don't know what to do. I feel so hopeless.
I will pray 17 people are praying.
Idol of Money
posted by: Seth on 3/8/2020

Please pray that the Lord will completely destroy the idol of money from my heart. Although I don’t really like money, for most of my life I’ve had a lot of fear attached to money. Whenever finances are low, it takes over everything in my life, and controls too many of my decisions, both short-term and long term. I have fears when I tithe, that I have not given enough, or in the right places, so I’ve opened the door for financial attacks. When I calculate taxes, the stress is unbelievable; because I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake. I inherited a lot of these fears and controlling emotions about money from my father, and it hinders my relationship with the Lord, and my ability to live for Him. Pray that God will tear up this idol by the roots. Pray that God will destroy any trust I have in money, so I can place all my trust in the Lord. Pray that money will not be an area Satan can attack me anymore, because my heart is secure in the Lord. Thank you.
I will pray 12 people are praying.
posted by: Charles edward Rutley on 12/19/2019

Hello and God bless you all please pray I took a background check and a physical which included a very in-depth testing including cancer and diabetes screening with the Goodyear chemical plant.Please pray for me that everything comes back satisfactory in Jesus name and that HR allows me to start working there at the Goodyear chemical plant at the expected time of January 20th 2020 in Jesus name let me pass the background check and all the other checks that they are looking for I have waited so long to use my degree and now my time has come in Jesus name.Amen!
I will pray 15 people are praying.
posted by: V on 12/13/2019

Please pray that Jesus completely heal my stomach and my body in Jesus name
I will pray 11 people are praying.
Gods Help for a Friend
posted by: michael moore on 11/13/2019

Pray for Fahd, He Needs Gods Protection. Thank you.
I will pray 13 people are praying.
posted by: li on 7/23/2019

Prayer request : Sorry, please pray for that not to lost my job in the Administration Wing to preach the gospel in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, A-men.
I will pray 10 people are praying.
Repentance from Financial Sins
posted by: Seth on 1/10/2019

I’m a student in college, using the GI bill, and I should have enough money to get through this semester. Instead, I’m $5000 in credit card debt and have no money in my bank account, and can hardly afford food. I believe I will still make it through, just scraping by. I’m writing to ask you to pray for me for deep repentance for all my financial sins. I haven’t been spending money on extravagances. It’s strange, but I waste money paying rabbis to pray for me at the Western Wall, or sowing ‘seed offerings.’ I’ve had these problems for years, and it’s been a carefully concealed part of my life. I haven’t trusted God to guide my life, so I had to go out of my way to seek His guidance. Please pray for the Lord to bring me to repentance for this. Pray that God will teach me to turn to Him alone, without seeking others to pray on my behalf, and that I will trust Him to guide my life. Also, pray for the wisdom, deep honesty and deep humility to faithfully pay off this debt and get out of this situation. Thanks for your prayers.
I will pray 13 people are praying.
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